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Complete Water and Waste Water Treatment Solutions

250 LPH RO Plant

Price starting from 60,000/-

250 LPH RO Plant

A 250 Liters Per Hour (LPH) Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant represents a robust and high-capacity water purification system designed to meet the demands of larger-scale applications. Using advanced reverse osmosis technology, this plant efficiently eliminates contaminants, impurities, and dissolved solids from water sources, producing superior-quality, potable water. With a capacity of 250 LPH, it caters to the needs of medium-sized businesses, institutions, and community setups. The RO process, driven by a semipermeable membrane, selectively allows water molecules to pass through while obstructing the passage of harmful substances like salts, chemicals, and microorganisms. This ensures that the output water not only meets the highest standards of purity but also remains devoid of undesirable taste, odor, and health hazards. The RO plant stands as a reliable solution to address water quality concerns in a range of settings, contributing to the health and well-being of a larger population.

The Inner Workings of the 250 LPH RO Plant

The heart of the 250 LPH RO plant lies in its utilisation of reverse osmosis, an intricate process that capitalises on a semipermeable membrane to separate water molecules from impurities and contaminants. Under high pressure, water is forced through this membrane, effectively filtering out a spectrum of pollutants including salts, minerals, microorganisms, and organic compounds. The outcome is a purified water stream that meets stringent quality standards, free from both visible and invisible threats to health.

Key Advantages

  1. Scale and Capacity: With a capacity of 250 LPH, this RO plant is designed to serve larger-scale applications. It is an invaluable asset to medium-sized businesses, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and communities, providing a consistent supply of clean water to a higher population.

  2. Comprehensive Purification: The RO plant excels in eliminating contaminants, often achieving a removal rate of up to 99%. This encompasses not only visible particles but also dissolved pollutants that can impact the taste, odour, and overall quality of water.

  3. Health and Hygiene: By effectively removing bacteria, viruses, and harmful chemicals, the RO plant ensures that the water consumed is safe for human consumption, reducing the risk of waterborne diseases and safeguarding public health.

  4. Environmental Impact: The adoption of the 250 LPH RO plant can contribute to a reduction in the use of single-use plastic water bottles, curbing plastic pollution and its detrimental effects on the environment.

  5. Cost-Effective Long-Term Solution: While the initial investment might be higher, the long-term benefits in terms of reduced health costs and decreased reliance on bottled water make the 250 LPH RO plant a cost-effective choice.

Diverse Applications

  1. Commercial Establishments: From restaurants to hotels, the RO plant ensures that businesses provide high-quality water to their patrons, enhancing their reputation and customer satisfaction.

  2. Educational Institutions: Schools and universities can prioritise the health and well-being of their students and staff by ensuring a continuous supply of safe drinking water.

  3. Healthcare Facilities: Hospitals and clinics can maintain stringent hygiene standards by utilising purified water for various medical applications.

  4. Community Water Supply: In areas with limited access to clean water, the RO plant can serve as a vital source of safe drinking water for the local community